Friday, August 26, 2011


Bored by the political rhetoric? Join the ever expanding club of middle Englanders for whom life is not so good. We look up to people we should really look down too and we look down on those that we and those above have failed!
How can society have fractured so much? Truth is, it hasn't, it is just the media over egging a situation to sell papers, increase advertising (hard times for all) and provide politicians with an excuse for their poor performance. Really, things haven't changed much at all but we do know that our MP's are bent, the Police are ineffective and the press are liars.
Recent events have confirmed these things so now we have the youths, the miscreants, the idiotic and the opportunists showing their disdain. Look up for those to blame unless you are an MP, a senior Police Officer or a senior Civil Servant. They need to look inwardly as do we middle Englanders.
Do we really do enough for those worse off? Or even for our peers, our parents, our children, our siblings or our neighbours? Of course not, we just take it for granted that all is well with them. The Brits are stoic people but we're fast becoming alienated from our once great nation.
This week it was announced that net immigration once again rose! So much for that Tory promise. And Nick Clegg says he will uphold the human rights act with all that that ridiculous act does to ruin many a good businessman or for that matter conscientious worker.
I despair, but really the answer is not so difficult. A revolution is required, like Guy Fawkes tried. We need to lose the MP's who are so removed from reality, as are the judges and magistrates. Time for a monarchy, yes bring back the Queen and give her more powers, with well selected (yes by election) specialist to advise and direct. We need the people to have their say but strong and meaningful leadership to drag us out of the mire and into the fair breeze.
I'm all for it, as long as the best person gets the jobs, they get paid rightly for it and we put those fakers in prison that tell us they represent us.